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— WELCOME to Minx + MuSE —

Awaken your innate magick through
Esoerotic™ dance + witchcraft.

Join us virtually from anywhere in the world.

Client Reviews


“Minx is more than a dance studio, it created for me a self confidence and power that I didn’t even know I possessed. Reclaiming my sexual sovereignty through movement is the most magical form of healing and creative alchemy that I’ve ever experienced as a witch and human.”

— JW


“I have never felt so welcomed, empowered, encouraged and SEXY before.... This magical place has been an integral part of my healing from divorce and I highly recommend it for anyone on their own healing journey.”

— MH


“They've cultivated a safe, welcoming environment that allows me to explore new forms creative expression while feeling held and witnessed by a caring community. Minx + Muse is so much more than a dance studio, it's a place for personal development, growth, and expansion of the spirit.”

— KM


I am a magickal creatrix

Wielding my sensual sorcery


And through this mystical rite

I bewitch the world around me


As is above

So is below

For the highest good of all

So mote it damn be!


I am a magickal creatrix ☾ Wielding my sensual sorcery 𓆙 And through this mystical rite ⛤ I bewitch the world around me 𓁺 As is above ✴ So is below ☥ For the highest good of all ⋆ So mote it damn be! 𓂀



Meet the Minx + Muse Coven

We are dark workers seeking depth of understanding through the shadow.

Spell casters and mystically minded folks pursuing non-dogmatic spirituality.

Esoerotic witches unapologetically reclaiming and expressing our sovereign sexuality.

Sensualists prioritizing pleasure and challenging beauty standards.

Courageous Creatrixes. Fire Dancers. Divine Liberators.

Naturalists embracing cycles and accepting death as a means for rebirth.

Fierce advocates for self and others ready to alchemize righteous rage into empowered change.

Curious Cultivators. Enigmatic Energists. Spirit Whisperers.



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