The Minx + Muse Multiverse is a virtual studio and membership where we access our dark feminine magick through live teachings, downloadable tools, and a supportive community of kind and curious witches.
The Minx + Muse Multiverse is a coven of witches, creatrixes, and dark feminine devotees ready to shift from the mundane into magick by living more authentic, embodied, and empowered lives!
The Multiverse is for you if…
✦ You feel underwhelmed or misaligned in your life and are ready to uncover and express your authentic truths and desires.
✦ You feel alone in your spiritual pursuits and are seeking a mystically-minded community to dive deeper into your magickal practices.
✦ You are drawn to the dark feminine and desire to embody this energy by exploring your shadow, reclaiming your sexual sovereignty, embodying esoteric practices, and embracing your endless potential as a creatrix.
✦ You are ready to use practical magick to transform your life from mundane to magnificence!
Within the Minx + Muse Multiverse, you will receive…
Mystical teachings and practical tools to understand your authentic self and personal potential at a deeper, meaningful level.
Embodiment practices to help you awaken your innate intuition, connect with your sensual pleasure, and reclaim your sexual sovereignty.
Both live and on-demand classes, workshops, and rituals to guide you through your magickal transformation in a way that fits your schedule.
An enchanting coven of kind and curious witches to support and celebrate you throughout your journey. Check out a behind the curtains tour here!
✦ We honor and embrace the energies of the dark feminine, including the shadow, sexuality, mysticism, and embodied pleasure.
✦ We revoke programming that portrays the dark feminine as malefic, and instead know it to be where our true power lies.
✦ We access our sexuality outside of intercourse and use this energy to manifest and magnetize our deepest desires.
✦ We study mysticism for self reflection, to reveal our personal potential, and to live more authentically.
✦ We explore our shadow to deepen self awareness and release perceived limitations.
✦ We use embodied sensuality to connect with our pleasure and intuition.
✦ We open to the unknown, releasing that which does not serve our—or the collective—highest good.
✦ We fiercely protect that which we value and hold true, including our own sacred boundaries and standards.
✦ We honor the phases of the moon, the ebb and flow of mama nature, and the mysteries of the universe.
✦ And we commit to our magick so that we may be the ultimate creatrix of our life!
The Multiverse Experience
— THe details —
Monthly Theme + Workbook
Each month we’ll explore a unique theme with a downloadable PDF workbook filled with magickal correspondences and exercises. {Added to our online portal on the 1st of each month. Inspired by our month’s archetype; includes insight into crystals, herbs, tarot, astrology, etc., plus journal prompts, archetypal guidance, printable altar cards, and more!}
Join us on the New and Full moons for live lunar rituals that includes meditation, journeying, shadow reflection, and spell casting. All tools need for our rituals are included in our monthly workbook. {The replay will be available for anyone who would like to re-watch or who can’t make it live.}
Free virtual master workshop around our monthly theme for Multiverse members, only. {Virtual workshop happens mid month with more info in our month’s workbook, and the replay will be available for anyone who would like to re-watch or who can’t make it live.}
We offer 4–5 live class experiences per week with an array of instructors (including Minx + Muse Moon Club, Shadow Sorcery, Psychic Playground, Morning Tarot, Somatic Alchemy, Esoeroticism: The Ritual, and more!) Plus free access to our on-demand movement library and replays of all our past Multiverse Master Workshops.
Access to our on-demand movement library (over 100 dance and movement classes), replays of all our past Multiverse Master Workshops (30+), Mystical Tools + Rituals (includes meditations, visualizations, and energy practices), and a Witchcraft 101 Reference Library (videos and PDFs to answer all of your basic witchcraft questions)!
Bonus Enchantments
Expect countless bonus enchantments including magickal monthly “covenants”, access to our Multiverse private online community, weekly Wednesday morning dance parties, our “I’m A Witch, Baby” introduction to witchcraft 4-part series and “Persephone’s Descent” dark feminine immersive program, and more!
“"I've made many friendships that I cherish and have found a community that values mysticism, art, dance and encouraging each other to live their best life. I highly recommend Minx + Muse to anyone who has ever struggled with ideas of what sexy is or anyone looking to find like minded witches!"”
— marcela
“Get ready to become the lover you've been waiting for your whole life. Get ready to fill your cup from within. Get ready to grow up and glow up into your womanhood. Get ready to embark on a self-love journey of your wildest dreams. A journey into your own pleasure, bliss, and ecstasy. At Minx + Muse, you'll find who you've been looking for all along.”
“I've found a community that I never thought I would find... a place where I can unravel from the stresses of my every day life and find peace within myself while surrounded by loving feminine power. Minx + Muse has become a sanctuary for me to spread my wings and realize all that I can be in this world.”
— Michelle
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Just $88 per month
(5-month minimum commitment)
Hi, I'm Crimson, and I'm an Esoerotic, Self-Expression Healing Witch.
I'm also the creatrix of Minx + Muse, The Multiverse, and Esoeroticism™
I experienced a deep personal transformation in 2013 when I immersed myself in the worlds of metaphysics and sensual dance. I was 33 years old, fresh out of my Saturn return, and was craving deeper meaning and purpose. I had moved by myself across the country, gone through break up, left my full time job, and was ready for a life that lit me TF up! And I found it when I started combining my interest in magick and the occult with my newfound feeling of empowered sensual expression. Fast forward, universe guided me to Austin, TX in 2016, and I poured my heart (and savings) into opening Minx + Muse in October of 2017. Then in 2020, we added our virtual offerings that morphed into the Multiverse. This membership has become my passion, having seen how uniting with witches from all over the globe—from the comfort of our homes—has brought the magick into our living spaces and provided daily support and guidance conveniently from our computer machines.
I am (and forever will be) a perpetual student of this work. At the time of writing this in 2024, I feel so much love for that older version of me, but I cannot relate to that previous life where I was so controlled by external systems, standards, and expectations. The empowered freedom I now feel—the KNOWING that I am the ultimate creatrix of my life—is something I desire for all of our students (and the whole damn world!)
It would be my greatest honor to have you join me and our coven as we take this journey together.
✦ ✦ ✦ FAQ ✦ ✦ ✦
Can I get an idea of an average month in the Multiverse?
Surely! Here is an average month:
First of the month: Workbook uploaded to our private portal. Includes insight into crystals, herbs, tarot, astrology, etc., plus journal prompts, archetypal insight, printable altar cards, witchy workings, and more!
The first Wednesday of the month is our Coven Opening Ceremony and the final Wednesday evening of the month is our Around the Cauldron Collective Chat.
Our Monthly Master Workshop is mid month.
We have 4–5 Live classes per week.
Our live classes include: Moon Club, Psychic Playground, Morning Tarot, Shadow Sorcery, Somatic Alchemy, Diving Into the Divine Darkness, Midday Microdose, Esoeroticism: The Ritual, and other pop-up Esoerotic dance classes.
We have live rituals scheduled on the New and Full Moons.
Morning Dance Parties every Wednesday morning.
Throughout the month: Weekly “Covenants”, accountability check-ins, sharing in our private online group, and other bonus enchantments.
Not at all! This is a beginner-friendly membership! A majority of our classes are what we call “practical witchcraft”, meaning mystical practices that we can apply to our everyday life. And all of our dance and movement classes are beginner-friendly and are the secret sauce of our magick!
Is this a Program? How long will it take me to make it through and what is my weekly commitment?
This is not a linear program, this is a non-linear (hello, feminine energy) immersion that is meant to serve as your witchy lifestyle companion. There is no expectation of doing all the things. Rather, join for what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and allow your intuition to guide you towards replays when you feel inspired! There is no “end”, just consistent growth and evolution.
So wait, when does this all start?!
You can jump in at any time! We’ll catch you up with the current month’s workbook when you join!
Though we recommend at least 5 months to start experiencing the shifts this work brings, you can cancel your membership at any time before your next month’s renewal! This membership is month-to-month, and will continue until you are ready to cancel.
Within the Multiverse, you are welcome to commit to as many or as few experiences that you desire! This is not a linear program, but rather, an immersive buffet where you can pick and choose the experiences with which you resonate.
What are the next steps once I sign up for the multiverse?
Look to your email inbox for more details to follow via email, but you’ll be able to start exploring our virtual space immediately!
How will I receive all this multiverse goodness?!
We will also also have a private group in our online Secret Society for Multiverse members only, where we will post class links, files, updates, alerts, and discussions.
How will I stay on top of all of the Multiverse happenings?
Your monthly workbook will include a calendar of all upcoming Multiverse Classes, Master Workshops, Live Lunar Rituals, and more!
Take a peak behind the curtains!
The Multiverse is a rich virtual studio and membership that includes a monthly workbook, live experiences, and an expansive on-demand resource library. Check out this video to get a better idea of what to expect once you join!
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Just $88 per month
(5-month minimum commitment)